The Council and its partners are looking at many ways of dealing with the effects of Climate Change and making the borough more resilient to its effects.
Planting Trees is one way of trying to reduce the carbon in the atmosphere.
Trees not only define our park landscape but also make our greenspaces more resilient to the effects of Climate Change, thus making Hounslow a healthier environment to live in.
Trees also provide increased food sources for insects, birds and mammals and humans; connectivity between the borough’s greenspaces; diversity within the boroughs tree species; improved landscapes & active land management; shade & cooling; and enjoyment of the natural world for residents and visitors.
Click any park to see what will be planted this planting season.
Check out our Tree of the Month. Create your own tree-lined walk! Let your friends know.
One of the surest signs that winter is in its last gasp is the appearance of Mimosa blossom.
Admittedly, it's not a common sight, there are only 46 in the TreeTalk database, but when you see one in flower during February, it is guaranteed to stand out. Mimosas, or Silver Wattle trees, are a species of Acacia from Australia and consequently appear very exotic looking for London. Their evergreen composite leaves are comprised of hundreds of tiny leaflets. But it is the dazzling daffodil yellow blossom that will turn your head. Not only does it look amazing, it's deliciously fragrant too.
Do you know that you can adopt a tree near you for free?