Welcome to Hounslow Greentalk
Hounslow Greentalk helps you discover the urban forest on your doorstep. Visit our map to explore and find out about over 123,000 trees on Hounslow's streets, estates and in our parks.
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February 2025
Mimosa or Silver Wattle is our Tree of the Month

One of the surest signs that winter is in its last gasp is the appearance of Mimosa blossom.

Admittedly, it's not a common sight, there are only 46 in the TreeTalk database, but when you see one in flower during February, it is guaranteed to stand out. Mimosas, or Silver Wattle trees, are a species of Acacia from Australia and consequently appear very exotic looking for London. Their evergreen composite leaves are comprised of hundreds of tiny leaflets. But it is the dazzling daffodil yellow blossom that will turn your head. Not only does it look amazing, it's deliciously fragrant too.

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124, 144 Trees
In parks, on streets, estates and on public land throughout Hounslow
9,379 Trees
Planted and given out during winter/spring 2022-2023
383 Species
Tree species found throughout the borough
All the News
Have a look at the latest articles and news for Hounslow Greentalk and other green initiatives across the borough.
Find out about your local neighbourhood and the Community Groups near you. ‘Follow’ these groups to stay up-to-date with the latest information, and get involved by adopting newly planted trees near you.
Feltham in Bloom
‘Feltham in Bloom’ grew from the enthusiasm of a group of youngsters, in the Garden Club at Victoria Junior School, who badgered the Local Council, until they were allowed to take over the planting and maintenance of derelict public open spaces outside the school boundary. The reaction by neighbours and passers-by were so positive, that a whole new Community group was set up to bring more civic pride - through plants. As part of that, we’ve planted over 70 new trees inside the school, and given away well over 250 baby trees to our local Community. Our neighbourhood reaches into Bedfont, Feltham North, Feltham West, Hanworth Park and Hanworth.
Heston Action Group
Heston Action Group is a young, non-party political community group created in 2019 with passionate residents who wanted to simply “clean and green” our local area. The area has had a tradition of street trees and most houses have front gardens. HAG is driven to protect those remaining and encourage new growth. Our neighbourhood is in the North West of the Borough of Hounslow, comprising Heston East, West and Central. To the north east, the area borders common land which itself borders Osterley Park. Within its borders there are two parks and 5 primary schools and one secondary school, most with large areas of open space.
Abundance London
Abundance London is a voluntary organisation, founded in 2010, that harvests surplus fruit, plants orchards, hedgerows and trees, tries to reconnect people with nature and protect it in an urban setting, creates beautiful spaces, mainly through planting but also through art. Our neighbourhood extends from the east of Hounslow (Chiswick area) to Bedford Park in the south east of Ealing.
London Borough of Hounslow
Greentalk Limited