Abundance London
Chiswick Greentalk
Abundance London
Abundance London is a voluntary organisation, founded in 2010, that harvests surplus fruit, plants orchards, hedgerows and trees, tries to reconnect people with nature and protect it in an urban setting, creates beautiful spaces, mainly through planting but also through art. Our neighbourhood extends from the east of Hounslow (Chiswick area) to Bedford Park in the south east of Ealing.
21 trees
Planted by Greenspace 360 in Homefield Recreation North & South 2021
50+ types
Of tree throughout the neighbourhood
19 guerilla gardens
Maintained by Abundance London volunteers
Explore the neighbourhood
The Chiswick Greentalk neighbourhood covers the whole of Chiswick including the south eastern corner of the borough of Ealing.
Latest News
What's Happening
May 2024
Bird Cherry is our Tree of the Month

One of the last cherries to flower is bird cherry, a tree native to the UK, although not the south east of England. Despite that, it thrives in urban areas all over the country including in London where it can be seen very frequently.

Unlike the flowering cherries that make such an impression earlier in the spring bird cherry flowers in May and also unlike thos ornamental trees, it holds its flowers in spikes. These white flower spikes point in all directions, appearing to cover the canopy with hundreds of ice creams!

Bird cherries are also distinguished from other Prunus species by their smooth grey bark which does not have the horizontal slits – or lenticels – which are so conspicuous on other species in this genus.

Adopt a tree & make a difference in Chiswick
1. Adopt a newly planted tree to help it thrive
2. Receive watering notifications when it gets very dry
3. Adopting is free and easy
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