Hounslow Council wants to work with young people to tackle the most important issues, and help develop new opportunities for a cleaner and greener Hounslow. The views from this survey will shape their engagement strategy, and what issues they'll be focusing on.
Hounslow is developing a Youth Climate Network (formerly known as the 'Youth CRG') – a platform for young people to come together and make a difference to our local and global environment.
Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ZmZiW0Zim0ysx3FqWpS9A7iNcfMjNadPieyepAW4aW5UNVpYR1NDT1pZNFZSS0RTVk84QVlGMVpQVC4u
Please share the survey with any groups or young people who you think may be interested. Thank you.