Similar to the other two cedars, Deodar and Lebanon, this species is differentiated by having upward pointing branches.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Hawthorn is one of the most common small trees. It is a lovely, rather unkempt, tree with masses of blossom in May, and red berries - or haws - in the autumn.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees support 100s of other living things. This tree provides a large benefit to insects (biomass of foliage insects).
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
'Lobel' is a largely Dutch Elm Disease resistant cultivar which has been planted relatively frequently. It has a fastigiate habit where the branches tent to sweep upwards.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
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One of the surest signs that winter is in its last gasp is the appearance of Mimosa blossom.
Admittedly, it's not a common sight, there are only 46 in the TreeTalk database, but when you see one in flower during February, it is guaranteed to stand out. Mimosas, or Silver Wattle trees, are a species of Acacia from Australia and consequently appear very exotic looking for London. Their evergreen composite leaves are comprised of hundreds of tiny leaflets. But it is the dazzling daffodil yellow blossom that will turn your head. Not only does it look amazing, it's deliciously fragrant too.
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