Similar to the other two cedars, Atlas and Lebanon, this species is differentiated by weeping ends of its branches.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
One of our native Cherry trees, this one is also known as Wild Cherry or Gean. It can become a relatively large tree (for a Cherry). It has lovely white blossom in April followed by small cherries, much in demand by birds, which ripen in July.
A cultivar of our native Wild Cherry, Plena has double white flowers, can become a large tree, and is one of the later Cherries to flower in April.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Hawthorn is one of the most common small trees. It is a lovely, rather unkempt, tree with masses of blossom in May, and red berries - or haws - in the autumn.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees support 100s of other living things. This tree provides a large benefit to insects (biomass of foliage insects).
Hornbeams are fine attractive trees that eventually become quite large, but not quite as big as beech trees.
Look out for fluted, muscular trunks and serrated oval leaves, similar to beech. Drooping clusters of winged nuts become quite conspicuous in the autumn.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees support 100s of other living things. This tree provides a medium benefit to insects (biomass of foliage insects).
The familiar Monkey Puzzle tree is a great favourite of many.
Most trees are either male or female (they are dioecious), and both produce substantial cones, but only female trees have cones that persist through the year - they take 18 months or so to mature.
In their native Chile, the seeds of Monkey Puzzle trees are considered a great delicacy.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
Tulip Trees are a large North American species from the east coast related to the Magnolias. They have distinctive square-ended leaves, and in May produce cream-soda smelling flowers resembling tulips.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
A native tree with largeish oval leaves with a white underside, hence the name. It also has creamy flowers in late spring and sparse red berries in the autumn. Older trees can develop a twisting pattern on their bark.
Trees provide more benefits the older and larger they are.
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One of the surest signs that winter is in its last gasp is the appearance of Mimosa blossom.
Admittedly, it's not a common sight, there are only 46 in the TreeTalk database, but when you see one in flower during February, it is guaranteed to stand out. Mimosas, or Silver Wattle trees, are a species of Acacia from Australia and consequently appear very exotic looking for London. Their evergreen composite leaves are comprised of hundreds of tiny leaflets. But it is the dazzling daffodil yellow blossom that will turn your head. Not only does it look amazing, it's deliciously fragrant too.
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